This is an Australian friend living in the UK whose baby girl is just 10 days older than Rose.
In almost daily emails we shared our pregnancy experiences, and we both had uncomplicated births in a birth centre. We have been on a similar high with the arrival of healthy daughters, but our situations have suddenly diverged with Rose's persistent jaundice and growing evidence of a liver problem. She's very concerned. Here I'm responding to one of her emails.
"I was rewarded yesterday morning with 3 smiles from Rose - very reassuring. Also, she's incredibly bright when she's awake, has a fiendishly strong neck, and is utterly gorgeous - all reassuring.
The paediatrician reminded me the other day, when I commented in despair that Rose just seems normal, "She IS normal! She has this problem, but we've picked it up early, and at the moment, just remember you don't have a sick baby."
It's all very confusing. Anyhow, better get her off to her appointment."
This is an Australian friend living in the UK whose baby girl is just 10 days older than Rose.
In almost daily emails we shared our pregnancy experiences, and we both had uncomplicated births in a birth centre. We have been on a similar high with the arrival of healthy daughters, but our situations have suddenly diverged with Rose's persistent jaundice and growing evidence of a liver problem. She's very concerned. Here I'm responding to one of her emails.
"I was rewarded yesterday morning with 3 smiles from Rose - very reassuring. Also, she's incredibly bright when she's awake, has a fiendishly strong neck, and is utterly gorgeous - all reassuring.
The paediatrician reminded me the other day, when I commented in despair that Rose just seems normal, "She IS normal! She has this problem, but we've picked it up early, and at the moment, just remember you don't have a sick baby."
It's all very confusing. Anyhow, better get her off to her appointment."