I spent a great day with Lewis and Hannah at the Royal Melbourne Show, while Shane stayed with Rosie. We stayed till after dark, and watched the fireworks. We were so sleepy afterwards that Shane told me to sleep at home, and he'd do a second night in hospital.
These are friends from the kids’ school. Their child has had surgery and treatment for a life-threatening illness, at the Royal Children’s Hospital
“We may be bringing our beautiful bub home (again!) this week. She's not exactly "fixed", but it looks like Rose will need frequent pit-stops in hospital, to deal with all the stuff her dodgy liver is throwing at her.
Shane and I are actually settling into the idea of Rose having multiple admissions leading up to transplant, and generally feeling OK about it all, because of our faith in her splendid health team. They're just ace, and the doctors seem to be a pack of geniuses, with personality to boot. We even met the transplant surgeon the other day . . . from the Austin Hospital, and he's lovely lovely lovely.
Also, Rose 's admissions are somewhat easier for the kids, as Shane and I are now alternating nights in hospital with Rose, so one of us is home with the kids (if they're not with their cousins or grandparents overnight).”