Hi there, just stumbled across your blog. My son was born with biliary atresia in 1998. You have absolutely gorgeous children! Thank you for sharing this with the world and educating people about biliary atresia. (I also got a kick out of you saying you trained as an O.T.--my hubby is an O.T.! LOL)
hi! i came across your blog when i was clicking 'next blog' at the top of the page and i felt i had to tell you that rose is one of the cutest babies i have ever seen! in every picture, she's so adorable! i'm so glad she's doing well now! -breanne
- Amanda, Aunt to Katie, age 8, biliary atresia, kasai only
It is great to see that she is doing so well.
Mel xox
(I also got a kick out of you saying you trained as an O.T.--my hubby is an O.T.! LOL)